Nick Grimshaw made a bold fashion statement on Thursday as he attended the VIP launch party for TAILS COCKTAILS in London. In one of his first showbiz appearances since publicly announcing his engagement, the TV and radio icon had guests in a frenzy as he hosted a private DJ set – alongside a masterclass in shaking-up cocktails.
Set at prestigious private residence, Violin Factory, in Waterloo, the star looked beaming as he mingled with guests and a host of London’s ‘IT’ crowd. Nick was on hand to showcase how easy the cocktails are to make – in as little as 30 seconds. Only needing ice and a good shake.
The range of five TAILS COCKTAILS – is each made using a premium spirit from the Bacardi portfolio, blended with top quality ingredients – includes the ‘Rum Daiquiri’ (BACARDÍ rum); the ‘Whisky Sour’ (DEWAR’S Blended Scotch whisky); the ‘Gin Gimlet’ (BOMBAY SAPPHIRE gin); the ‘Espresso Martini Cocktail’ (42BELOW vodka); and the ‘Passion Fruit Martini Cocktail’ (42BELOW vodka).
TAILS will be available for a RRP of £15 and the range is available now and will be rolling out from April in all major supermarkets, specialist liquor stores and online.