It’s almost time for the Uk’s most exciting baseball event! The Home Run Derby X is an high-octane sporting event and electrifying day out. With a new format of baseball that sees Home Runs and epic catches steal the show, Home Run Derby X offers more than just big hits, with interactive baseball-inspired activities, delicious ballpark food, fashion, gaming and music to push it to the next level and offer an unforgettable experience for all.
We had the chance to catch up with one of the Home Run Derby X wildcards, Spencer Owen. Spencer has been creating exciting sports content online through his FIFA YouTube channel and took it to the next level by becoming a footballer himself and owning the much-loved Hashtag United! Spencer will be representing the Chicago Cubs at the first-ever Home Run Derby X and he shared some great tips on how to swing a home run, his biggest competition from the other teams, and what it’s like having all you can eat at the world famous Wrigley Stadium!
Spencer, you have to teach us how to swing as you’re an expert now through your training with the Chicago Cubs- do you have any tips for us?
“I wouldn’t say I’m an expert but I’m a lot better than I was; I’ve been lucky enough to have access to some really great coaching. When it comes to the technical side of hitting the basics are to start with your left hand at the bottom of the bat and your right hand just above. Be sure to point your index fingers out in the direction you’ll be swinging and step up to the plate.
As you’re preparing to swing, make sure you start by raising the bat higher with your right arm extended straight. A great way to gain momentum for your swing is to move your arms as if you’re mixing a big pot whilst holding the bat in place, be sure to stand in a strong wide stance as most of the power is going to come from your leg staying firmly in once place. Then, as you’re about to swing, bend your left knee up into the ‘loading position’ and follow through with the hit.
The hardest part of the sport is hitting, but you always want to aim to hit the ball near the top of the bat- you’ll know when you’ve hit the sweet spot of the bat as it sounds great.”
You’re representing the Chicago Cubs, which is not just one of the biggest franchises in MLB, but it’s widely known across the world. The Cubs are famous for being riddled with curses, how much do you know about the billy goat incident and what are you going to do to avoid bringing any more bad luck to the franchise?
“I wasn’t a big baseball fan before being picked as a wildcard for the tournament, so I was very new to the sport. Luckily I have friends who were able to teach me things, and there were great opportunities for me to learn about the history of the team whilst I trained. I got really into the game really quickly and loved watching and learning as well as getting involved with the fans- the Cubs are definitely my team now and you couldn’t change that if you tried! I’m playing with the legendary Geovany Soto, who is an iconic former catcher, and I was lucky enough to get to know him and learn tips from him which is incredible. The team understands that I’m obviously not a pro, but I’m focused on making the team proud and hitting the most home runs out of the news guys, that’s my only focus.”
You’ve got some competition, are you worried about any of the other players?
“I’m up against real Olympians; Daniel Corral is an Olympic gymnast from Mexico and he’s representing the Yankees, he’s going to have a lot of core strength and power so he definitely hits the best out of the four newbies. Yoongy Kwak is representing the Dodgers and is a South Korean speed skater with a world championship under his belt, so his powerful legs are a concern for me. Liv Cooke is a freestyle footballer and will be representing the Red Sox- her technical skills are amazing and she can master skills very quickly. My biggest advantage is my height as I’m the tallest out of the wildcards, I did manage to get the most home runs in the practice event but I’m up against very talented sports people so I’m going to have to keep up!”
Is there an MLB record that you think you may have a chance at breaking?
“Possibly the most home runs scored by a person who has been playing baseball for the shortest period of time? One of the Home Run Derby X aims is for us to hit 300-400ft, which would be incredible- I’ve been working hard at that goal and I have the calluses and blisters on my hand to prove it! The most important record for me is to be the first Home Run Derby X champion, they’ve never had one before, let’s do it!”
Finally, how did you take your hot dog and Wrigley Stadium?
“I had one experience at Wrigley and we had the best seats in the house, but I didn’t just stop at hotdogs; I had a three-course meal, popcorn, unlimited food, and drinks. That’s one of the things I love the most about American sports, the cuisine is unmatched and it’s all going to be there at the Home Run Derby X on the 9th of July in Crystal Palace Park! You’ll be able to see some iconic baseball players, have the best food, and check out the latest jerseys with AJ Tracey will be providing some ace entertainment. They’ll be places for everyone to try and hit some home runs themselves as well, so if you love baseball you’ve got to be there!”
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To find out more, check out You can follow the full Home Run Derby X Tour at @mlb and @MLBEurope. MLB will be documenting the progress of the teams, the Wild Card’s training journey, and all the live and behind-the-scenes action from each event.
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