TV presenter, author and philanthropist, Katie Piper, has been revealed as the host of snack brand KIND’s new three-part podcast series, ‘Kids Live KIND’, where kids teach adults how we can all be more kind.

Whilst everyone is born kind, as we get older, our hectic lives often make the unkind choices easier, as revealed in new research that found 4.1 million Brits said they were kindest before the age of ten*. But with nearly half of Brits (48%) saying they want to be kinder to each other as the world opens up, there’s room to inspire adults to live, be, and act kinder in a post-pandemic world.

As a result, snack brand KIND is asking children from years five and six to share their views, and advice on what it means to be kind, and how they’d tackle some of today’s biggest issues at the forefront of Britain’s cultural agenda.

In each episode, Katie Piper learns first-hand from experts – kids – on how adults can be more kind, as they discuss how we can better look after our mental health, their views on how we create a more equal and inclusive society, and how they’d make politics kinder.

Joining Katie on the podcast is behavioural expert, Anjula Mutanda, who will provide insight into the children’s way of thinking, their attitudes to kindness, and expand on their comments to demonstrate how adults can apply these philosophies in their own lives.

The series forms part of a wider campaign for the snack brand, including a debut TV campaign for the UK, which is calling for people to ‘Live Kind’.


Katie Piper, Activist for Kindness and podcast host, commented: “Kids have kindness in abundance and yet as we get older and our priorities change, our everyday experiences can sometimes cause us to forget to be kind, both to ourselves and those around us. After a year where we’ve learnt to be more considerate and compassionate to each other, there’s an opportunity to continue this momentum and inspire and encourage us all to live kind, especially as adults. Teaming up with the children to explore themes of kindness gave a clear and stark reminder, that kindness can be, and is, very simple. We just need to make kinder choices. I’m delighted to be hosting this podcast and discussing a topic I feel so strongly about. I hope the insights provided by the children, will inspire adult listeners to recognise the power of kindness, and keep it front and centre of everything they do.”   


Psychologist, Presenter, and Social Scientist, Anjula Mutanda says: “We are born with the capacity for kindness and from a very early age we are encouraged to be kind and to treat others with thoughtfulness. But as we get older, it can become more difficult to remember to be kind to others and to ourselves. Also, our time and energy may be so tied up by responsibilities and the pressures of adult life, that we don’t make the space for small acts of kindness. When recording the series, it was really fascinating to see kindness in action. When asked what it meant to be kind, the children were guided by their instinct to be compassionate, inclusive and fair. I’m hopeful that this series gives adults the inspiration they need to live kind for themselves, their families and their communities.”


Kids Live KIND is available to download now on Spotify, and all major streaming services: https://open.spotify.com/show/189pYjSmpaoNS3XGKapC1y 





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