Candy Crush Saga announced its collaboration with iconic fashion designer, Christian Cowan, to create a limited-edition, unique solution for commuters everywhere – The Sweet Seat.
Inspired by the dreaded task of claiming a seat on public transportation during rush hour, the Sweet Seat is a fashionable, yet highly practical, wearable seat perfect for Crushing on-the-go. Pulling from the bright in-game colours and iconic shapes, Sweet Seat gives players the ability to wear their favourite candies IRL.
Cowan, best known for his bold and unexpected collections, has worked with Candy Crush to put his playful and humorous touch on the Sweet Seat, bringing it to life in a way that doesn’t compromise fashion for comfort. His approach provides a sweet solution that puts the fun back in functional. With campy and Candy-tastic designs, the piece blends Cowan’s creativity and high fashion prowess with Candy Crush’s world of fun colours, candies and patterns.
“This piece is inspired by the fun that Candy Crush brings to mundane tasks like commuting. Public transit could use a dose of glamour, especially in New York City and London, and the Sweet Seat brings that glamour in a fun, fashionable, and over the top way. What I love about this collaboration is that it brings a joyful solution to an everyday problem in a way that’s both out-of-the-box and camp.”
Christian Cowan
The Sweet Seat features a tear-drop silhouette garment that can be worn solo as a dress, or over the top of an outfit as an accessory. Functionally, the garment works like a bean-bag, the wearer can literally sit back and take a seat anywhere they’d like.
“Our loyal fans who play Candy Crush on-the-go love the colour and fun that we bring to their everyday lives,” said Luken Aragon, VP Marketing, Candy Crush Saga “Whether they’re waiting in a long queue or battling the daily commute – without a seat, we want to be able to help bring them that joy and vibrancy to their day so that nothing gets in the way of levelling up. Collaborating with Christian to bring to life the candies that these players know and love – and can now wear – has been truly divine.”
This limited-edition item will be available for purchase on beginning July 26th 2023 for $1,000 / £786.92.