The view on thrifting clothes has drastically changed over time from once being seen as a place to buy cheap second-hand items, to a new trend amongst Gen Z that have positive impacts on the environment.
Many influencers have changed the definition of being fashionable by showing viewers that one can have style without dropping an immense amount of money on a single item. YouTube sensation and fashion influencer, Emma Chamberlian would put out youtube videos sharing to her viewers cute outfits and fashion tips. One tip that fans might have been surprised at that was her style was affordable and accessible because they were thrifted. Emma posted videos titled “Massive Thrift Hual”, which received millions of views and inspired her followers to be thrifting.
The best part about thrifting is it feels like a scavenger hunt inside a time capsule of items of clothing from different eras that are infused with their own unique history. No one wants to show up to an event or party wearing the same exact outfit which is a common fear that is dissolved when thrifting.
Online shopping has had a revolution of its own but unfortunately, that has been profited off of exploiting workers and the effects of the plastic fibers from these companies are polluting the environment. Of course, the possibility of a cute, reasonably priced outfit that can be shipped to your home in a matter of days is appealing, but the repercussions aren’t worth the expense.
There are many local thrifting stores to check out with good prices and outfits that are perfect for everyones style. Give back to the environment and make a statement the next time you go shopping.