The Importance Of Diversity And Inclusion In The Workplace

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In recent years, a large number of business owners and managers have started paying more attention to the concepts of diversity and inclusion, and not only because it is the right thing to do. Experienced executives know for a fact that a diverse and inclusive workplace also boosts the company’s profit and growth by supporting everything from productivity to sustainability. 

Diversity vs. Inclusion

Even though the two terms share a connection, each of them has its own separate meaning. Diversity is all about the representation of a particular entity, while inclusion refers to how well an entity is actually integrated into a given environment, and how much it is valued. For instance, if we see an environment where different nationalities, genders, or sexual orientations are present, but they are not as valued as they deserve to be, we have an atmosphere of diversity, but no inclusion whatsoever. 

The Role of Diversity and Inclusion

A workplace that is both diverse and inclusive makes every single individual equally involved and valued in all workplace areas, regardless of who they are and how they identify across different criteria. When employees feel like their contribution is not being taken seriously, they are very likely to leave at some point. On the other hand, when the environment is inclusive, it benefits the organization through much higher employee retention, more chances for innovations, as well as improved odds for revenue growth. On top of that, the companies that nurture diversity have a better chance of attracting a myriad of talents that can diversify the staff and encourage a multitude of fresh ideas and approaches.

How to Support Diversity and Inclusion

Take a look at the following strategies that will help you create a healthy environment that will give the entire staff an equal chance to thrive:

Develop a Welcoming Company Culture

It is common for employees to feel threatened and unmotivated when they feel like there is no room to express their true selves. In order for each staff member to be able to feel appreciated and truly connected to the company, you need to eliminate any form of discrimination based on gender, age, religion, culture, physical condition, appearance, and sexual orientation. 

Encourage Innovation and Creativity

One of the best ways to nurture variety is to constantly encourage all employees to speak openly about their ideas and creative vision. Not only that everyone will feel much more appreciated, but the organization will be exposed to unique viewpoints that are sure to boost the success of all areas of the business. There are many examples of companies that benefited from giving a voice to each individual, including GiG and its approach to sustainability where all the stakeholders and employees take part in decision-making through open communication. 

Evaluate the Executive Team

Nothing defines the overall culture of an organization like the attitudes and the behaviour of the executive team, and if you want to promote diversity and inclusion, you need to make sure that the new approach is set up correctly from the top. Ideally, the team itself should be diverse, but even if it’s not, there should be a strong understanding of differences and a willingness to establish equality for everyone. If the execs believe in what you want them to preach, it will positively affect all the other members of the workforce. 

Provide Training

Proper training that will help staff members understand the impact of cultural and other differences on the workplace atmosphere can help you come a long way when it comes to nurturing equality. You can educate the employees on widely applicable concepts like communication styles and conflict resolution, but you can also create training that is specific to your organization. Whether you decide to manage the training internally or hire a professional consultant, it is important to make sure that all team members understand why the training is actually taking place and how it aligns with company goals.


As mentioned above, diversity does not guarantee inclusion, and even if the team is made up of individuals with different backgrounds, there is still a chance that not everyone feels included. To be aware of the real state within the organization, you need to promote constant connection and communication throughout all levels of the workforce. Make sure that either you or the executive team are always accessible to the employees, especially the ones that work remotely. Staying on top of all the thoughts and concerns will help your operations run smoothly. 

Employees truly are a driving force of every company out there, and if they start to feel like they’re being discriminated against in any way, it will eventually hurt the progress of the entire organization. Learning how to establish equality in your workplace and taking all the key steps in order to do so will provide the business with many valuable benefits.

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