Summer car breakdowns on the road: what should you consider?

Summer is the time for road trips and scenic drives, but certain factors can increase the likelihood of unexpected breakdowns. Hot weather is particularly hard on vehicles and being stranded in the heat is not only inconvenient but potentially dangerous.

If you’re preparing for the worst or are stuck by the side of the road after a breakdown this summer, here’s what you should consider.

Preparing for your journey

Before setting off for any extended journey, or even just for a quick trip out, ensure your car is in good working order. This means checking tyre pressure and tread, ensuring fluid levels are topped up and checking the condition of your battery.

Carrying out these basic checks and performing some DIY or professional maintenance can significantly reduce the risk of a breakdown.

What to do if you breakdown

Always prioritise your safety if you’re about to have a breakdown or have already suffered one. If you’re still driving, pull over to a safe location, preferably a hard shoulder or lay-by. Turn on your hazard lights to alert other drivers.

If it’s safe to do so, exit the vehicle and stand well away from the road. Stand or sit behind barriers if there are any. You should try to leave the vehicle from the passenger side to avoid stepping into traffic if that’s an issue.

Dealing with the heat

High temperatures and sun exposure can make the discomfort and danger of a breakdown even worse. Staying hydrated is even more important than usual. That’s why it’s always a good idea to keep spare water in your car on any extended journeys.

If you have passengers, especially children or elderly individuals, take extra precautions to keep them cool. In unbearable heat, find shaded spots nearby to provide some respite from the sun.

Car insurance and breakdown cover

Breakdown cover is your best friend in times like these. Calling for help without it can be extremely pricey. Many car insurance policies offer breakdown cover as a bolt-on, but it’s essential to check your policy details before you travel.

Fully understand what your coverage includes before setting off and keep any relevant documents and digital records with you. If breakdown cover is not included with your insurance, it’s always worth adding it or taking out a separate policy for your peace of mind.

Calling for help

Once you and your passengers are safe, contact your breakdown cover provider. You’ll need your account and personal details, current location and a phone with enough charge.

If you’re on a motorway, note the nearest marker post number to help breakdown services locate you more quickly. While waiting, keep your phone handy and avoid using it for non-essential purposes to conserve battery life.


Hopefully, you won’t be facing a car breakdown this summer. But, if you are, stay calm, follow the right steps and you should have help in no time.

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