Why A Career Change Might Be Just What You Need

Photo by Saulo Mohana on Unsplash

The days of people working in the same job in the same place and collecting a gold watch at retirement are well and truly over. The UK’s work landscape has never been more dynamic, with changing jobs now considered the norm. These days, many people find themselves contemplating and pondering the potential and promise of a change in career. If you’re thinking making the leap to a new profession, then you’re in good company. Recent research revealed 70% of UK workers are planning on finding a new job in 2024! But what is driving this desire for the change, and can changing careers lead to a more fulfilled life? And what sort of careers are out there?

An unsettled workforce

We live in a rapidly changing, evolving world, and many people took time during the pandemic to take stock and think about their life choices and work-life balance. Many took the plunge and changed either how they worked (working more from home for example) or looked for something new altogether. Thousands of new businesses were born and many started side hustles to boost their income or turn their hobby into a revenue stream.

Post-Covid, a huge portion of the global workforce now find themselves disengaged at their place of work. A recent report by pollsters Gallup found that 79% of employees were not fully invested in their work. This is being driven by various factors, outside the pause for thought that Covid brought. The nature of work is evolving rapidly, with tech advancements leaving many feeling their skills are either outdated or even obsolete. The shift towards remote and hybrid work models has impacted workplace dynamics and job satisfaction – for good and bad. And many people are simply looking for careers that offer them a happier work environment that aligns with their interests and offers real prospects for growth.

Does switching careers bring benefits?

There is no doubt that it can. Although the move is not without its risks, the benefits can be substantial. When people work in a field they feel passionate about and at a very basic level, enjoy, their job no longer feels like a grind done out of duty and the need to get the monthly bills paid. Learning new skills in growing sectors imparts a sense of satisfaction and can also lead to higher earnings and better career progression. It can push us out of our comfort zones too! Certain career changes can often create a healthier work-life balance – which is increasingly valued by today’s workers.

Sounds great – but what sort of new careers are out there?

Renewable energy

As the UK (and most of the world) races towards achieving net zero and moves towards sustainable energy, this already booming sector will only continue to grow. There is a plethora of job opportunities in all sorts of roles – solar panel installers, wind turbine technicians, heat pump specialists, project managers and energy efficiency consultants, to name but a few. Working in this industry not only promises a long career with growth potential but offers a chance to be part of combatting climate change and making a real difference to the world around us.

Personal trainer

If fitness and wellness are your passion, then becoming a personal trainer can be an exceptionally rewarding career. The UK fitness sector has recovered quickly from the impact of the pandemic and the number of gyms and fitness centres now exceeds pre-pandemic levels. More people than ever are now taking active steps to improve their own fitness levels, and people entering a career in the industry are poised to reap the benefits of this growing sector. The career offers flexibility of work hours and location (not only are fitness centres and gyms everywhere but you can even visit client’s homes!) and personal trainers derive a huge sense of satisfaction from making a real difference in their client’s lives. There are some fantastic personal training courses available, and you can become qualified quickly, even if you have no prior experience or qualifications!

IT and cybersecurity

Businesses, from large corporations to local one-man-bands, are digitising more and more of their operations and processes. And as a result, there are increasing numbers of cyber threats and scams as cyber criminals attempt to hack into systems and networks and attempt to steal, alter or destroy data for financial gain. So, the demand for IT professionals, particularly those specialising in cybersecurity has rocketed! Roles in the field are diverse, from cybersecurity analysts and network engineers to ethical hackers who test systems and apps. If tech is your thing, then this career path could be for you!

Digital marketing

The digital economy in the UK is thriving. And with more and more people moving from traditional media sources such as newspapers, magazines and television to online channels, companies are always seeking digital marketing professionals who can boost their online presence. There are a wide range of roles and specialisations within digital marketing, and you can look to work across them or concentrate on one area. Social media managers who craft and execute campaigns across platforms like Facebook and TikTok, SEO specialists who optimise content to increase visibility in search engines, content creators, email marketing experts and pay-per-click specialists are always in demand. Many courses in the fast paced, cutting-edge industry are available for free online too.

How to make the leap

These are just a few of the many exciting options out there. Whatever you choose to do, the most important part to embarking on a new career path is the planning. Deep research is vital to understand the viability of your desired career. You need to think about what qualifications you need and how to go about getting them (especially if you need to stay in your current job while getting them!). But with the right planning and mindset, you can find your perfect career.

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