Pelé, the new Netflix original documentary, chronicles the life of the Brazilian football player, Edson Arantes do Nascimento – better known as Pelé. The documentary looks back at the extraordinary period that Pelé, the only player to win three World Cup titles, went from a young superstar in 1958 to a national hero, amidst a radical and turbulent era in Brazilian history.
The film documents Pelé’s remarkable journey to becoming the ‘King of Football’ and leading his nation’s team to their historic win at the 1970 World Cup. With rare and exclusive filmed access to Pelé himself, the film emotionally showcases the star reflecting upon his impressive career. The documentary also includes rare archive and interviews from former legendary team-mates at Santos Futebol Clube and the Brazilian national team, including Zagallo, Amarildo and Jairzinho, as well as extraordinary testimonials from family members, journalists, artists and other personalities who witnessed the golden age of Brazilian football.
Pelé was directed by David Tryhorn and Ben Nicholas, produced by Pitch Productions and executive produced by Academy Award winner, Kevin Macdonald (One Day in September). The documentary will launch globally on Netflix on Tuesday 23rd February 2021.
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