Chessington World of Adventures Resort will become Wonder Park this Saturday (April 6, 2019), to celebrate the release of the highly anticipated animated movie. The anime, starring Jennifer Garner, Mila Kunis and Ken Jeong tells the story of a magnificent amusement park where the imagination of a wildly creative girl named June comes alive.
Chessington will celebrate its new look with a host of activities at the Surrey Resort over Easter inspired by the film, which is released in 2D and 3D cinemas on Monday April 8, with characters voiced by UK talent, Tom Baker as lovable bear Boomer and Joe Sugg and Casper Lee as mischievous beavers Gus and Cooper.
Boomer will be on hand to greet guests from today to Monday April 22, as families also get to design their own Wonder Chimp for the chance to win a bundle of Wonder Park goodies; add their mark to a giant colouring wall; and experience a virtual reality roller-coaster game, all at the Wonder Park Hut.
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