Verge Loves: FutureLearn

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

FutureLearn, the leading social learning platform, is announcing the launch of its own-brand course Online Recruitment and Onboarding: Providing Continuity for Business and Candidates” developed in partnership with the REC. The new course is designed to help companies and recruitment specialists better navigate the intricacies of remote hiring and onboarding.

The ways in which organisations are recruiting has been altered drastically due to the pandemic, with remote hiring expected to play a more prominent role in recruitment processes across all sectors.

New data commissioned by FutureLearn, from research group Find Out Now and representative of the UK’s recruiters, shows that 80% of recruiters across sectors including hospitality, retail, healthcare, social care and construction used at least one remote hiring technique during lockdown. The research looked at a representative panel of 315 individuals. It found that:


  • More than 50% of recruiters said they used remote hiring techniques alone over lockdown, meaning no face-to-face contact with candidates at all.
  • Only 14% of recruiters believe they saw a reduction in the levels of unconscious bias through the hiring process
  • 37% of recruiters have found it more difficult to find the right talent
  • 66% of recruiters are expecting to move to a more hybrid model of hiring in the future
  • 25% feel they are not prepared or trained to shift to the new way of working


While some industries have had to halt hiring processes and even downsize, sectors such as online marketplaces and healthcare are in fact experiencing growth and hiring at pace compared to others. This is, however, is a new challenge amidst current circumstances. The innovative thinking and adaptability explored in the course will help recruiters face this new normal with the right training and insight.

The course is open for enrolment now on Teaching commences on 14 September 2020.


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