Exploring the Online Pokies Phenomenon Down Under

Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplas

Online gambling has become a global phenomenon in recent years, and in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s known by a unique name: online pokies. “New Zealand and Australia are the primary regions where this term is used” according to FruityKing who offer online pokies and casino gaming in New Zealand, leaving many outsiders curious about its origin. In this article, we’ll explore the history behind why people in New Zealand and Australia call online slots “online pokies” and uncover the fascinating story that lies beneath this terminology.


The Birth of Pokies

To understand the term “online pokies,” we need to delve into the history of the word “pokies” itself. The word “pokies” is an abbreviation of “poker machines,” which are electronic gaming machines commonly found in casinos and clubs. These machines resemble slot machines but are unique in that they offer a variety of poker-based games, such as video poker and poker-themed slot games.

The introduction of poker machines to Australia and New Zealand dates back to the early 20th century. The first mechanical poker machine was developed in the United States in the late 19th century, but it was only in the 1950s that electronic versions started appearing in Australia. Initially, these machines were called “poker machines” due to their poker-themed games.


The Adoption of the Term “Pokies”

The transition from “poker machines” to “pokies” can be attributed to the Australian penchant for shortening words and phrases. Australians are known for their fondness for slang, and they have a long history of abbreviating words. This linguistic trend is known as “Aussie slang,” and it has had a significant influence on the language used in Australia.

In the 1960s and 1970s, as poker machines became increasingly popular in Australia and New Zealand, people started shortening the term “poker machines” to “pokies.” This abbreviation not only reflects the Aussie love for brevity but also makes the term sound more casual and friendly. As a result, “pokies” quickly caught on and became the widely accepted term for poker machines in both countries.


The Popularity of Pokies

Another reason for the widespread use of the term “pokies” in New Zealand and Australia is the sheer popularity of these machines in both countries. Australians, in particular, have a long history of gambling, and poker machines have played a significant role in the nation’s gambling culture. They are commonly found in pubs, clubs, and casinos throughout the country.

In New Zealand, the love for pokies is just as strong. The country has a substantial number of poker machines per capita, and they are a popular form of entertainment. The use of the term “pokies” in New Zealand is influenced by the close cultural ties between the two countries.


Online Pokies

As the internet revolutionized the world of gambling, traditional poker machines made their way into the digital realm. Online casinos began offering electronic versions of poker machines, allowing players to enjoy their favourite “pokies” from the comfort of their homes. With the transition to the online platform, the term “online pokies” naturally emerged to describe these digital counterparts.

The term “online pokies” is deeply rooted in the history and culture of Australia and New Zealand. It represents not only a linguistic quirk but also a reflection of the countries’ love for gambling and poker machines. As online gambling continues to grow in popularity worldwide, the term “online pokies” serves as a reminder of the unique linguistic and cultural influences that shape the way people talk about and enjoy casino games in these two Southern Hemisphere nations. So, next time you come across the term “online pokies,” you’ll know that it’s not just a name but a piece of history and culture from down under.

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