Returning to the office is high on the agenda for many organisations. However, whilst workers are encouraged to spend more time with their colleagues, new research from the UK’s #1 food saving app Too Good To Go reveals the cost-of-living crisis is acting as a barrier to these in person connections. Nearly one in five (17%) are spending more on food on drink at work than a year ago, and over a fifth (21%) of Brits are shunning the office to save money on food and drink.

But for those heading into the office, 1 in 10 (9%) admit to buying lunch every single day and a quarter (26%) note that they are too time poor to make lunch at home – which could be significantly increasing our monthly expenditures.

However, some Brits are more dedicated than others with making lunch, as 3 in 10 (29%) savvy Brits take their lunch into the office daily. But we could be doing much more to save food from going to waste – with only a third (32%) taking in leftovers, and just over a third (35%) admitting they take in lunch to reduce food waste at home. Instead, Brits are more likely to bring in lunch due to financial reasons, with a whopping 61% admitting they take in lunch to reduce the amount of money they spend.

A quarter of Brits (24%) believe the food they cook is better than what they can buy elsewhere, and 17% have a partner or spouse that makes lunch for them to take into the office. Sadly, one in seven Brits (12%) are self-conscious about bringing in leftovers and so avoid doing so.

For some, buying lunch at work can be seen as self-care, as over half (52%) of Brits see it as a treat. Whilst others (14%) get bored of eating their leftovers and so tend to buy lunch out instead.

Another reason for not bringing in leftovers is due to fear of committing an office lunchtime faux pas, meaning leftover food could be going to waste. And as we become more accustomed to office culture once again, Too Good To Go reveals the biggest faux pas Brits can make at lunchtime: 

  • Hands off! 62% of Brits see stealing someone else’s food as socially unacceptable
  • Something fishy going on… half of Brits (50%) turn their nose up to those reheating fish in the office
  • Forgot something? 45% of Brits see leaving food in the office fridge too long as unacceptable
  • Causing a stir: A third of Brits are not a fan of office workers bringing in pungent sandwiches like tuna or egg mayonnaise
  • Tupperwars! 27% of Brits are against borrowing someone else’s tupperware
  • Snack attacks – Bringing in boiled eggs offends almost a quarter of Brits (23%)

As people look for ways they can treat themselves midweek without breaking the bank, Jamie Crummie – co-founder of the world’s largest surplus food app Too Good To Go – has put together top tips… 

“With busy schedules and limited time for ourselves, lunch should never feel like a chore. And it’s sad that so many of us avoid bringing leftovers to the office due to feeling self-conscious or fear of committing a faux pas”, says Jamie. “We want to make sure that no food is wasted as a result of these faux pas. Too Good To Go allows you to treat yourself to your favourite eateries, whilst preventing food waste and without breaking the bank. I’m excited to share how a few simple changes can refresh your 9-5.” 

Top Tips To Save £££ On Lunch, All Whilst Reducing Food Waste:

Plan Ahead So You Only Buy What You Need.

Plan your lunch for the week in advance so you know exactly what you need to buy. Write a shopping list and then stick to it when you’re in the supermarket – try not to be sucked in by impulse buying. Look to be kitchen savvy in your planning too. For instance, planning multiple lunches that utilise the same, or parts of the same, ingredient means that you’re not buying a new set of ingredients for every lunch.

Get Creative With Your Leftovers

Nowadays, many of us are in the habit of wanting to eat something new every day, but don’t be afraid to get creative with adapting a simple dish. For example, you can change a classic Bolognese sauce into chilli con carne, meat pie or even a lasagne. This can be a great alternative to buying lunch and cutting down on your weekly spend.

When In Doubt, Freeze

The oldest trick in the book! Virtually anything can be frozen if you don’t think you’re going to be able to eat it in time. Batch-cooking lunch meals to keep in the freezer for a later date is a great way to make sure your fresh ingredients can still get used while they’re at their best. Just make sure to remember to defrost them beforehand! 

Swap Your Coffee

Small things like getting a coffee before work and during lunch can heavily add up the cost per year. Instead, take advantage of the coffee and tea making facilities in the office, which is often free. If this is not the case, invest in a travel mug to take coffee in from home to drink in the morning.

Explore Your Options

Food-saving apps like Too Good To Go are a great way to enjoy local cuisine from lunchtime favourites in your office area such as Pret, YO! Sushi and Greggs, and supermarkets such as Morrisons. Many offer collection windows over lunchtime and all at a lower price, as they are saved from going to waste! 

Simply download Too Good To Go and choose your location to see what variety of food options are available.  

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