Bella, a 14-year-old moggie cat from Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, has broken the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for the loudest purr by a domestic cat. She achieved a purr which measured an astonishing 54.6 decibels – equivalent to the volume of a boiling kettle. The secret to Bella’s success? None other than her beloved WHISKAS meals. Watch Bella break the world record here.

Whiskas is on a mission to make all cats purr more, so when they heard that Bella was a fan, they set out to see if their cat food could really help her break the Guinness World Records title and secure the coveted title of the loudest purr.

Nicole Spink, Bella’s proud owner said: “We’ve always known Bella had a really loud purr – we even have to turn up the volume to hear the TV over her purring – and that’s always after mealtimes. So, when we saw that the record for the World’s Loudest Purr was up for grabs, we knew we had to put Bella forward, and we’re so pleased we did! I couldn’t be more thrilled that Bella has broken the world record. She has been our family’s companion for many years – we love her to bits and are so proud of her achievement.”

Following a rigorous process, Guinness World Records recorded Bella’s attempt to beat the existing world record and, after Bella’s purr-fect entry, there was no doubt as to the result.

Dave Wilson, the official GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS Adjudicator who oversaw Bella’s record-breaking attempt, remarked: “It’s always an exciting day when there is the potential for a new world record so we waited in anticipation to see whether Bella would be able to do it. We set up the recording devices and Bella then settled down on her favourite cushion and began to purr. The results were immediately obvious – Bella had broken the record for world’s loudest purr!”

Annie Argyle, European Brand Director at WHISKAS said: “We’re committed to helping all cats live healthier, happier lives and we have spent years crafting tasty  cat food that even the fussiest cats can’t resist. We’re thrilled that our dedication to increasing cat happiness has contributed to Bella’s record-breaking purr – what an amazing feat from both Bella and proud owner Nicole!”

Bella now proudly holds the title of the world’s loudest purr by a domestic cat, thanks in part to her favourite Whiskas meals.

Watch Bella break the world record here.

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