With international travel restricted across the globe, travel deprivation is at an all-time high, until now…! Off the back of a colossal time travel research breakthrough from student physicists at The University of Queensland1 which means travelling through time could now be the new ‘week in Spain’.
Hot on the heels of the very real possibility of being able to time travel in the not too distant future, Klook, the world-leading travel and activities booking platform, is offering an exclusive chance to become a time travel tester and get ahead of the inevitable rush by bagging a £1 ticket on the time travel express for when the technology is made available. The £1 early-bird price point is likely to increase once initial testing is complete with a one-way trip likely to cost in the region of £10,000.
As a leading ‘things to do’ platform, Klook is committed to staying ahead of the curve and looking for new, innovative ways to give the world what it wants. The exclusive time travel tester ticket will offer the ultimate escape for travel-wishers who have been stuck in the doom and gloom year of 2020 for far too long now.
The research by the University of Queensland revealed the existence of closed time-like curves, which would allow an observer to travel back in time and interact with their past self. Speaking to the Independent2, Germain Tobar said: “The range of mathematical processes we discovered show that time travel with free will is logically possible in our universe without any paradox.”
Following the quantum leap in time travel possibility, new research3 by Klook, has revealed more than half of Brits (58%) would time travel if given the chance, with almost half (45%) admitting they would travel back in time rather than experience the bleak looking future. Moreover, the research uncovers the places, people and decades Brits would most like to travel back in time to, and has discovered how the turbulent events of 2020 have given the nation an increased desire to escape.
Time Travel to Escape 2020
In the midst of a year dominated by a global pandemic, unsurprisingly, a third of Brits (34%) claim that the events of 2020 have given them a stronger desire to time travel, with a staggering 46% admitting they would love to use time travel to skip this year entirely.
So great is this desire, that over six million (12%) Brits4 would be willing to give up sex for a year in exchange for skipping 2020, while 1 in 20 Brits would give up a year’s pay and 2.2 million (4%) Brits4would go as far as giving up their family for a year.
The self-sacrifice doesn’t stop there…
Top things Brits would be willing to give up for a year in exchange for skipping 2020 | Per Cent |
Fast food | 20% |
Going to the gym | 19% |
Social media | 18% |
Alcohol | 17% |
Clothes shopping | 16 % |
My birthday | 16% |
Travel for a year | 14% |
Christmas | 12% |
Sex | 12% |
Reading books | 11% |
My car | 8% |
My pet | 5% |
My partner | 5% |
A year’s pay | 5% |
My family | 4% |
Brits’ Biggest Life Regrets
The research also revealed what Brits would change about their life if they could go back in time. The nation’s biggest regret is not travelling more (23%) whilst they could and one in seven (14%) said they would have learnt another language.
When it comes to everyday life, a fifth of Brits (20%) would like to change their career path, while a tenth (10%) would choose other friends and worryingly, one in twelve (8%) confessed they wouldn’t have got married.
Time Travel Inspiration
With Brits admitting their biggest regret is not travelling more when they had the chance, Klook’s research has revealed the places, people and decades Brits would most like to travel back in timeand explore.
As a nation, the UK is more interested in visiting the past than exploring the bleak-looking future, with almost half (45%) admitting they would prefer to travel back in time, compared to just under a third (30%) who would travel to the future.
Experiencing the first day on the planet (9%) and watching Queen perform at Live Aid, 1985 (9%) are the top historical events that Brits would most like to travel back to and witness in person. Meanwhile, England winning the 1966 World Cup (10%) came out as the number one historical event amongst Brit males.
And after months of lockdown restrictions, almost a million Brits (900,000 or 2%)****, admit the event they would most like to travel back to is their last pre-socially distanced night.
When it comes to travelling back in time to meet a historical figure, Brits are a patriotic bunch. One in twelve (8%) wish to meet Princess Diana, while Queen frontman, Freddie Mercury (6%) and Winston Churchill (6%) beat off competition from the likes of Elvis Presley, William Shakespeare and Marilyn Monroe.
The Swinging Sixties (21%) is the 20th century decade Brits would most like to experience, followed by the Nineties (16%) and the Eighties (14%).
A quarter of Brits (26%) would use time travel to experience a different way of life, while the opportunity to learn about history first-hand (23%), and enjoy the music (19%) and cultural events (14%) of past decades have also fuelled the nation’s desire to travel through time. Meanwhile, more than one in eight Brits (13%) would use time travel to experience a life before social media.
Klook’s time travel testers will get a ticket to time travel that will offer the ultimate alternative for travel-wishers who have been stuck in the year 2020 for far too long. Test Tickets are available as a limited time offer, in which the first 100 testers to each year can travel for just £1.00. Travellers can purchase an exclusive ticket to be one of the first commercial time travellers as soon as the technology is made available†.