6 Ways to Indulge Your Creative Side (Without Buying Any Expensive Materials or Equipment)

Photo by Yannis Papanastasopoulos on Uns

Are you feeling creative? Maybe you are, or maybe not, but one thing holds true. So many things are born every day out of creativity. The best part is that we all have our creative sides, so creativity is not only limited to innovators and inventors of some of the most fascinating technologies and concepts.

And while the hustles and bustles of daily living can shield you from indulging in your own unique creative side, there are several things you can do to make it happen whenever you get a few minutes or hours to spare. 

Below are six ways to indulge in your creative side without necessarily having to spend money on expensive materials or equipment.

Experiment with a New Recipe

Cooking is one of the oldest human traditions, and it goes without saying that cooking a delicious meal will likely put a smile on your face for a few minutes.

Even if you feel that you’re not a creative cook, you can still experiment with a new recipe and try your hand at making a dish you’ve never made before. The best part is that cooking is a simple yet interesting hobby that’s easy to get into without much effort.

Create a Photo Calendar for Your Loved Ones 

From scrapbooking to creating memes and sprucing up your social profiles online with stunning shots, there are so many things you can do with photos to indulge your creativity in this age and day. You can even turn your existing photos into wall art by printing them on a durable material such as canvas.

And if you want to make it meaningful, why not turn them into a gift for yourself, a friend, or a loved one? Well, you can do this by creating a photo calendar and giving it a personal touch.

The best part is that you only need a working internet connection, a computer or your favorite communication device, and some digital photos. Once you have these, check Mixbook’s designs for inspiration to get your creative juices flowing. With such a platform just a few clicks away, designing a photo calendar online is much more than a breeze

Try Painting

Painting is another awesome way to put your creative skills to work. Plus, you don’t need a fancy tool kit or extravagant equipment to make it happen. All you need is the right supplies, like a canvas or paper, paint, some brushes, and a good attitude.

Experimenting with paint can give you a greater understanding of the diversity of paint colors. The best part is that you can make something that will wow your guests while bringing you a sense of fulfillment when put on the wall.

Write Something Down

Writing down a few words or phrases, perhaps in a journal or notebook is another great way to engage with your creative juices while letting your mind wander freely. Plus, what you write doesn’t have to be related to your work or hobby. And, after all, you can even turn it into an income-generating activity if you have a passion for it.

Watch Something Interesting

Curiosity is the key to everything, and as humans, we have this innate desire to learn more. Watching a video or movie might not sound like a creative task, but it can be a great source of inspiration. If you pick the right genres, movies and TV shows could even give you the urge to produce something, like an app or game, or something of the sort.

Play a Computer Game

Computer games can be described as complex interactive stories that require mental attention. From Minecraft to the likes of StarCraft, SimCity, and Destiny, just to name a few, there are tons of games out there capable of sparking off your creative side and stimulating your brain in a way that can even help come up with new, brilliant ideas! 

The best part is that you don’t necessarily need to develop complicated game mechanics or  use a very smart AI to get inspired. Just play a game, any game that you like, and focus on all that the game is about! 

Creativity is among the things that make life special. And oftentimes, it needs to be nurtured. If you care to indulge your creative side, there are numerous tasks that you can dedicate your time to without any regrets at all. The above are just some that you can try out and see how they can improve your creativity.

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